With a total movie runtime of over 25 hours (350+ hours if you include the TV shows and animated series), you might want to grab some blue milk and settle in for the long haul. Here’s everything you need to know abouthow to watchStar Warsin order on Disney+. ...
The last of Lucas’ original three movies was the lastStar Warsmovie for more than 15 years. For that time, the films’ IV-V-VI numbering seemed a little weird, but certainly didn’t make it tough to watch them in order. Then, that all changed. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom ...
1923 Season 1: You Aren’t the Only One to Think Taylor Sheridan’s Finale Is Awfully Similar to Leonardo DiCaprio’s $2.2 Billion Blockbuster 1/10/2025 by Siddhika Prajapati FandomWire Starz Sneak peek: Evie and Pete meet The Couple Next Door (Watch) ...
Star Wars: Episode 7 – The Force Awakens Star Wars: Episode 8 – The Last Jedi Star Wars: Episode 9 – The Rise of Skywalker Pros: Arguably the simplest and most straightforward way to watch the movies. There are no flashbacks and nothing to confuse the uninitiated. Plus, with the spin...
If you were to watch the Star Wars films in chronological order, it would look like this: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Solo (optional) Rogue One (optional) Star Wars Episode IV: A New ...
whenEmpirewas released. But if you watch the films in chronological order, you’ll know Vader is Anakin long before he unveils the secret to Luke. It ruins other, smaller reveals as well, like the fact that the little green-skinned gnome on Dagobah is actually the Jedi Master Luke is ...
Best for: first-time viewers or those looking for a new way to watch the films. A long time ago, it was easy to know how to watch the Star Wars movies in order – until 1999, all of the movies (which began in 1977 with Episode IV: A New Hope) fit onto the timeline in the se...
To watch all the Star Wars movies in order, all you need is a Disney Plus subscription. So, whether you're counting down the days until Andor season 2 or can't wait until the next big film, all the Star Wars movies and classic shows are there to get you into hyperspace. Our guide...
Tatum O’Neal Is Still Here: The Oscar Winner on Surviving Addiction, a Stroke and Coming to Terms With Being Left Out of Her Father’s Will Millie Bobby Brown Has to Watch ‘Stranger Things’ Final Season When It Streams on Netflix ‘Just Like Everyone Else Does’ Final Oscar Predicti...
When you decide to watch the Star Wars series, you’ve got two main choices: watch the movies in the order of the story or by when they were released.Both ways change how you see and understand the story. It’s good to consider both options to see how they reveal the story and c...