Please watch the video below for details!All rights reserved to the owner. 4. The fourth way in which you can become immortal is by reading the eBook Immortality. Even though I have presented other methods which may be helpful for you, I have only experienced this one. Thus, I can say...
"Your section on how to cure random awakenings is absolutely ingenious! It has only taken 2 weeks and both my children seem to be cured. Touch-wood nothing changes!" -- Helen Stephens (WI, USA) "Your book totally lives up to all its hype and more so. Well done on a marvelous produc...
In this ground-breaking original series, experts explore the history and use of psychedelic plants including political ambitions, the perceived shadow side, and the proper environment to experience these substances. From the origins of Shamanism to the spiritual expression of modern awakenings, discover...
About 20% of people wake up in the middle of the night, then struggle to get back to sleep. This type of insomnia can be stressful, not to mention exhausting. Keep reading for tips to help you quickly doze off -- and steps you can take to keep these mid-sleep awakenings from happeni...
Go to bed only when you're sleepy. Why do I keep waking up at 3am? If you wake up at 3 a.m. or another time and can't fall right back asleep, it may be for several reasons. These include lighter sleep cycles, stress, or underlying health conditions. Your 3 a.m. awakenings may...
A research aimed at evaluating the effects of yoga on sleep during a 14-day practice, found a significant reduction in awakenings where subjects reported sleeping better and waking up fresh the day after.[13]I’m sure you can devote 14-days to sleep better everyday. ...
What Can You Do to Prevent Nighttime Awakenings? While avoiding 3 a.m. awakenings may not always be possible, here are some things you can do to ensure better quality sleep, per the NLM: Avoid stimulants such as caffeine for at least three to four hours before bed ...
Researchshows consistently that overall time spent text messaging, media use after bedtime, and nighttime awakenings caused by mobile phones impair teens’ sleep. Children withneurodevelopmentaldisordersmay be especially susceptible to overusing electronic devices. They also may use them earlier, creating gr...
Restless sleep, characterized by tossing, turning, and frequent awakenings, can impact your sleep quality and affect daytime functioning. Environmental factors like room temperature and noise, fluctuations between sleep stages, dietary habits, and mental stress can cause restless sleep. Use an Oura ...
How to get back to sleep Waking up in the middle of the night is normal. Most of us experience mini-awakenings without even noticing them — up to 20 times per hour. When it comes to observable wake-ups, most people have about two or three per night. We tend to look at the clock...