Keeping outdoor gear clean isn’t always convenient, and muddy hiking shoes are often the last thing we want to wash. However, anyone who’s had to pull on a pair of crusty boots knows that a little maintenance goes a long way. A few fast and simple steps can extend the life of you...
Have you just returned from an amazing mountain hike or trek? Are your hiking shoes covered in mud and dirt?Whether you just need to do some regular maintenance or want to treat your shoes before you store them for while, here is some advice on how to properly clean your hiking boots. ...
Atlas & Boots Look after your hiking gear by cleaning it regularly Instead, soak it in a bath or large basin with lukewarm water with a little bit of standard washing detergent or, ideally, use a specialist cleaner such as Nikwax Tech Wash. Sluice the backpack around and use a sponge to...
Dave Page Seattle-area cobbler Dave Page has been repairing hiking boots for more than 45 years. Rick Meade Rick Meade is the President of Nikwax North America. Back to top Find answers online anytime. See our stores and services.
The Best Hiking Boots of 2024: Tested Even great-fitting boots need to get in sync with your feet. If you take the time to break in a new pair of hiking boots, you'll enjoy many comfortable miles on the trail together. Different boots take different break-in times. Light hikers may ...
First... Can you wash a down jacket? Yes, you can! In fact, understanding down jacket care is just as crucial as understanding how to clean your hiking boots. Cleaning your down products at home is simple and can be done with no previous experience. ...
How to wash a backpack Product CareGuidesHelly Hansen January 09, 20254 min read How to break in hiking boots: a complete guide Avoid blisters and discomfort! Learn how to break in hiking boots with these steps, how long it takes, and how to know when your boots are ready. ...
How to Wear Ankle Boots With Jeans – Neutral Color Combine them with dark wash skinny jeans, a jacket layered over a tunic top, or long button up top. Alternatively, you could also pair with black leggings. Leggings can be worn as pants so long as your top is long enough to fully co...
No worries- you can absolutely revitalize those shoes by cleaning first with Nikwax Footwear Cleaning Gel, and then re-waterproofing with Fabric & Leather Proof. Nikwax cleaners not only get rid of dirt and crud, they also get rid of any soap/detergent residue left behind by other cleaners. ...
Please read on if you want to know how to take good care of your skins. Before the first tour: waterproofing Ideally, you should impregnate your skin before the first tour. In this way, the skin glides optimally and is protected against the annoying problem of snow sticking on the plush ...