病情描述: How to wash your hands properly 医生回答(1) 王永生副主任医师 南京鼓楼医院 呼吸科 病情分析:正确的手部清洗可以有效预防疾病传播。适当的洗手步骤如下: 1.用流动的水将手弄湿。 2.取足量肥皂,涂抹到整个手部,包括手背、指缝和指甲下方,至少搓揉20秒。 3.用流水彻底冲洗双手,确保所有肥皂残留被清...
Hand washing properly is one of the effective ways to prevent 2019-nCov infection.After you backing home from outside ,coughing,sneezing,and going to the bathroom,before eating,etc.,you should wash your hands immediately. 那么,我们应该怎样正确洗手呢? So,...
1【答案】We usually wash our hands with soap.【解析】题干:我们如何正确地洗手?根据文章第一段第三句:用肥皂洗手是一种有效的洗手方式(Washing with soap is a good way to clean our hands.),所以答案是:We usually wash our hands with soap.。2【答案】 Because water and oil don't mix.【解析...
Department of Agriculture, Americans in a test environment failed to properly wash their hands and prevent the spread of germs 97% of the time. While the study may may have been limited in its reach, health experts like Jennifer H. Haythe, MD, an internist and cardiologist at New York-Pr...
6. nurse(1)The nurse from a hospital taught us how to wash our hands properly to prevent getting sick.n.护士拓展: A.v.看护,照料(病人或伤者) B.v.怀抱;怀有;心藏(2)After my brother broke his leg, my mom had to nurse him back to health by making sure he rested well and followed ...
To effectively kill germs and help prevent the spread of infectious disease, it’s important that you know how to properly wash your hands. Following these steps will help keep you and your loved ones healthy. Get your hands wet using clean, running water. Turn off the tap and then apply...
A 20-second way to prevent illness is to wash your hands properly. Knowing when and how to wash your hands will help you avoid sickness from the flu along with a number of diseases. It seems simple enough, but you'd be surprised to find out many people a
如何正确洗手?How to wash our hands properly? 永久有效 免费 426人已学
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【题目】111÷38.11.73%=3.111.730三、阅读理解AHow to wash your hands properly ?1. Don't use antibacterial soap (抗菌肥皂)-it does little extra good and cancreate "super-bugs (超级细菌)". Regularsoap will do.2. Wash for 30 seconds with warm water and soap. You can keep rack by ...