It’s hard to neutralize sulfur. So if your pet gets sprayed, plain old soap and water won’t work. Dog shampoo won’t work. Scented shampoos won’t work. You’ve probably heard there are tomato juice recipes for dealing with skunk musk, but they don’t work, either, so don’t wa...
Check your dog's eyes. If they are red and irritated, they may have gotten sprayed directly in their face. Wash their eyes out immediately with cold water or an eyewash made for animals . Give them a bath as soon as possible. Really, the quicker you can get the noxious skunk oil off...
And I’ve never done it anywhere else BUT my bathtub….it’s either been late fall or winter when my dogs have gotten sprayed (we’re in SD, far too cold for an outdoor bath after October usually), LOL. It takes all of 15 minutes to de-skunk them & doesn’t leave any odor ...
Another option is to lay chicken wire or a chain link fence over the areas where the animals are digging. Make sure to move it every few days so the grass doesn’t get too tangled in it. This method is a bit more labor intensive, but it might force the animals to find new feeding ...
First: Take a moment to find all the locations where the urine is, you may be surprised at how many there are. This can be accomplished by using a black light bulb in a lamp or by purchasing a handheld black light…the urine will glow in the dark when this is turned on. ...
may have pulled, there could also be a need to remove some horrendous odor that remains. Also, dogs & cats love chasing small animals, until they come home with a tail between their legs after they were sprayed. So this begs the question:What is the best way to remove the skunk smell...
When I give my dog a bath, she gets the head-to-toe treatment, but chickens do not usually require the full spa treatment, they ordinarily can be spot-bathed. For example, if the vent feathers are soiled, I wash only the butt area. Why? Because chickens spend a great deal of time ...
If a dog gets sprayed by a skunk, create a baking soda and shampoo or dish soap mixture, leave sit for 30 minutes, then wash if dog with it 0 Yoozing this will reduce the skunk smell of a dog baking sodadish soapdogshampooskunkskunk spray ...
I’m having a problem with my dog going crazy digging up their paths. I bought the mole stick with the solar panel on top. I could not get it deep enough into the ground. Does anyone know if it can be placed in a rock garden or does it need to be free of the small rocks? Fer...
Tina–[Pre-wash spray]I sprayed mine withOxi Clean(with hydrogen peroxide), let them sit for about half an hour, then put them in the wash. The smell comes right out. tfitz2001–[Pre-wash soak]Half a cup of vinegar to the gallon of hot water is what I soak ...