keeping up with changing versions, new updates, and items is hard. From different quests to new engines, users need help from experienced gamers. In this article, we will find out some of thebest FFXIV walkthrough online
But as is often the case in FFXIV, getting your hands on this beauty is no walk in the park. If you’re up for the challenge, here’s what you need to know. How to unlock the Qeziigural mount in FFXIV An airborne, ancient mount adorned in gold. Screenshot by Meoni on YouTube....
These aren’t necessarily things you want to go out of your way to do, but if you want something to do while you wait for a Raid or something to queue, GATEs are a great option to earn some MGP. Triple Triad Matches (Weekly & Daily) This card game you can play within FFXIV is e...
Running the benchmark is the only way to know for sure if you’ll need an upgrade before the expansion releases. If this is your first time with aFFXIVbenchmark, the process can be somewhat confusing. Here’s a simple breakdown of how to use the officialDawntrailbenchmark. How to use ...
Launch the FFXIV Open Beta Follow the instructions displayed on your screen Check below for more detailed instructions on how to complete each of these steps. Adjusting Xbox Privacy Settings Before you can participate in the open beta, you need to adjust your Xbox privacy settings to fully enjoy...
Where do I go to dye? Who gives the dye quest? How come I can’t apply dye? Can you walk me through how to get dye? Where is the Coffer & Coffin? Where is Western Thanalan? Where is Vesper bay… You get the point… So here it is, the much awaited step by stepFFXIV A Realm...
Related: FFXIV: How To Get Dragon Quest Items (Breaking Brick Mountains Event) To earn the Fluorite Ring in Final Fantasy XIV, players must speak with Marcette, an eccentric Gridanian researcher located in Central Shroud at X: 16.5, Y: 18.6. She is the quest giver for "Fungal Frolic," ...
Where to get the Tonberry Outfit in FFXIV Screenshot by Pro Game Guides Currently, the only way to get your hands on the Tonberry Outfit in Final Fantasy 14 is through theHatching-tide 2023 event, which takes place by theMih Khetto's AmphitheatreinOld Gridania. You need to collectSpecial...
When traveling in the MMO Final Fantasy XIV, there is no better way to get from place to place than by riding a mount. This increases your speed but also gives you adorable companions. But few mounts in FFXIV are as adorable as the Silkie, which may leave you wondering how to get the...
When do you get your first mount in FFXIV? Your first mount will be thechocobowhich you’ll get at aroundlevel 20after completing a chunk of the main scenario quest: Decide whichGrand Companyyou want to join, as part of the “A Hero in the Making” main scenario quest. ...