Christian Arana, vice president for civic power and policy for LCF, said the foundation has expanded its investment into Arizona to help local non-profits get out the vote in competitive districts. He hopes to persuade Latinos to vote by convincing them that what's on the ballot will make ...
MINNEAPOLIS —The 2024 presidential primary in Minnesota takes place onSuper Tuesday, and if you're wondering where to vote, here's how to find the location of your polling place. WCCO also has you covered if you need to knowhow to register to vote,how to vote,what's on the ballot,wha...
but relief. And then there’s also, wait a minute, this is going to be so cool. This is so historic. We’re going to be able to fix what happened in 2016. And finally, we will look to the top leader in the world and it will be a woman. And how delicious is ...
Unlike the March primaries, early voting this time only lasts for five days from Monday, May 20 through Friday, May 23. Election Day is Tuesday, May 28. Texas is anopen primary state, which means you don’t have to be a registered Democrat or Republican to vote in that party’s primar...
Coloradans have spent the last 24 hours voting in the 2024 Presidential election. More than 137 million Americans voted for President yesterday, with Donald Trump ahead at the end of the night with 71,417,291 votes (51% of the popular vote) according are still being counted...
and someone who’s not going to work hard to keep people from voting when everyone should have an opportunity to vote even more so. And someone who is not all in with the worst anti-democracy leaders in the world. So I think all that works. Okay, we’re gonna take another short brea...
To some extent, it's a "might as well"-type situation. Except for the people whoreallycare about crypto, nobody actually cares about crypto, so being nice about it is basically free. And in a race with a razor-thin margin, everything counts — including, maybe, the vote of some doge...
Primaries and caucuses can be open - with anyone allowed to take part - or closed, meaning only registered party members can vote. What is Super Tuesday? Super Tuesdayis the biggest day of voting in the US outside of the November election. ...
Joe Biden saw all this unfold. He came to publicly regret his vote to ease banking rules. He never celebrated the virtue of free markets. He has been far closer to organized labor and more comfortable with non-college working-class voters than either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama.“I am a...
According to two political scientists interviewed in The Washington Post, the fact that the Iowa caucuses are not private means that people have an opportunity to engage with one another before they vote. This means that the caucuses are more democratic. Also, candidates have to engage with ...