While there is no single definitive list of web safe fonts, a few popular choices include Arial, Verdana, Georgia, Times New Roman, and Courier New. Your font can be applied to your logo design in different ways. A minimalist design might call on you to include a simple serif or sans...
In this scenario, Trump would flip Arizona, Georgia, andPennsylvania— states he won in 2016 but lost to Mr. Biden in 2020 — and hold North Carolina. He would lose the other battlegrounds to Harris but end up with more than the 270 electoral votes required to win the presidency. (Scroll...
9-year-old Sandeep Kaur was chopping grass to feed the family buffalo at her home in northern India when her hair became caught in the threshing machine. Her entire face -- scalp and hair included -- was torn off. Sandeep's family put her face in a bag and drove the child ...
House Republicans vacillated on whether a third House speaker vote would be to their taste. Initially, some Republicans moved toward a potential plan to formally empower acting Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry to lead the House for a period of time. Butthat proposal met fierce opposition...
This election season may feel endless, but so is the fight for a fair and free democracy. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to stay involved. If you’re a registered voter in Georgia, here are the important deadlines: Register to votein Georgia byDec. 7. ...
him in New York and Georgia. Trump was supposed to be sentenced on Tuesday after hisconviction on 34 felony counts in his New York hush money case, but it's possible the sentencing could be delayed until after Trump leaves office, and the defense is pushing to ...
Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions About Voting. Where Do I Vote on Election Day? Find your polling place, the place you cast your ballot, inSouth Dakota HERE, Do I have to vote in every race or ballot question? No. Leave it blank when you don't feel informed enough to make ...
Infrequent voters are also more likely to be men than women. Notably, we have found that more men overestimate their likelihood of turning out than women. Administrative data indicates that in fact, women vote at slightly higher rates than men do. ...
The measure, which had strong bipartisan support, was passed by a 352-65 Congressional vote. before moving on to the U.S. Senate. Here is a breakdown of how eachCongress member voted. All votes
Second, since 2016, Trump has shifted almost all of these states even further to the right. In 2024, he soared past 54% of the vote in every Trump 25 state except North Carolina, the only state among them that Democrats tried to be competitive in at all. (And even in North Carolina,...