If using direct deposit, be sure to initiate the transfer a few days in advance to allow time for the banks to process the transaction. If you're issuing checks, ensure they're printed, signed, and ready to distribute on payday. Deliver pay stubs: Along with their pay, provide employees...
State laws may provide more generous overtime pay. In California, for example, non-exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay if they work more than: 8 hours in a day, 40 hours in a week, or 6 consecutive days in a row.7 By requiring extra pay for overtime hours, state and fede...
The lunch break is unpaid. However, some employers choose to make their lunch breaks paid. The break can become a paid one if you are kept on-call during the break. If you work more than 5 hours but less than 6 hours in a day, you and your employer may agree to waive the lunch ...
Painting isn’t going to be a quick solution, but with time and work, you can achieve success. If you’re starting a painting company (or any other business), you should plan to work on a tight schedule and put in a lot of time and effort to get it off the ground. You’re Respo...