To officially cancel your SAT scores so that they will not appear on any score reports, you must do so quickly – before you know how you scored on the exam. You must fill out, sign and submit theSAT Request to Cancel Test Scoresform either before leaving the testing site or by 11:59...
Here's another example. As an undergraduate in college, I planned to attend medical school, so I had to take the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test). In my view, this is a much harder test than the SAT. It covers many more topics: general chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, biolog...
The Common App essay is the best way for admissions committees to get to know you. While SAT scores, your past course load, and your grades provide a quantitative picture of you as a student, the Common App essay offers adcoms a refreshing glimpse into your identity and personality. For t...
“I want to achieve [insert grades] in my A-Levels so I can study [subject] at [insert dream university].” “I want to develop my [insert skill] so I am prepared for the workplace.” “I want to cultivate healthy study habits so I can always do my best.” Whatever your goals,...
YON-KYO (CONT’D) I guess what I wanted to ask was -- Would it be okay if I sat in for today’s class? I want to see the whole thing. Judge for myself. I would like to see your -- methods. 16. Uh... KI-WOO YON-KYO (English) Is that okay with you? Yon-Kyo...
old," he said. "We've gotten to make music together a couple of times throughout the years, and whenever it happens, I am struck by how comfortable our collaboration is and how relentlessly hard she works to get things exactly right. My text said, 'Do you know my song "Stil...
However, if you are looking to stand out and check all the boxes, submitting your test scores could be advantageous, especially with a lower GPA. SAT Scores ACT Scores A competitive SAT score for Ivy League schools would typically be in the top 5% of all test takers. This would be a sc...
If you think about it, your college application is mostly made up of numbers: your GPA, your SAT scores, the number of AP classes you took, how many years you spent playing volleyball. But these numbers reveal only so much. The job of admissions officers is to put together a class of...
“When I saw the job advertisement for the junior account executive position at LCL Global, I knew I had to take advantage of the opportunity after excelling as a copywriter with brands like Burger King, Lancome and Porsche for the past three years.” STEP 4 Include relevant achievements in ...
When he got back in touch to search for guilt absolution, to make sure his reputation remained unscathed in our friendship group, I was confused by his intentions and, I'll admit, I hoped he'd had a change of heart. Things came to a long overdue head as I sat next to my parents'...