The process is "relatively" simple VScode to build a PDF using LaTeX requires LaTeX editor support outside SumatraPDF remit since as a pdf viewer it simply is tasked to open the PDF for pre-view. ...
Markdown+Math ( uses KaTex ( to format markdown with latex to html5. Would be nice to have this in markdown-pdf as an optional pre-processing step before node-html-pdf (
notes, and more. But I don’t have full control over the layout with markdown. So I restarted using LaTeX. I’d like to share what learned. This article shows how to set up LaTeX with VS Code so that it will auto-update a PDF when you save a tex file. ...
“File icons similar to the vscode-icons pack for Visual Studio Code ( and built off of the logo-file-icons pack ( with tweaks and additions. Tree view ui tweeks to closer match that of visual studio...
how to get svg text tspan x,y position value in js <svgxmlns=""xmlns:xlink=""width="976px"height="471px"viewBox="0 0 976 471"version="1.1"> <!-- Generator: Sketch 53 (72520) - --> ...
The technology we create will survive us, and its impact will be unevenly felt—the fruits of progress aren't unconditionally good.We've come a long waytowards improving our lives, and we can still go so much further. There are so manyproblems to solve. ...
how to get svg text tspan x,y position value in js <svgxmlns=""xmlns:xlink=""width="976px"height="471px"viewBox="0 0 976 471"version="1.1"> <!-- Generator: Sketch 53 (72520) - --> ...
{\\n \\\"editor.defaultFormatter\\\": \\\"stylelint.vscode-stylelint\\\"\\n },\\n \\\"files.insertFinalNewline\\\": true,\\n \\\"editor.fontSize\\\": 16,\\n \\\"terminal.integrated.fontSize\\\": 15,\\n \\\"terminal.integrated.fontFamily\\\": \\\"MesloLGS NF\\...