This topic describes how to view the Microsoft SQL Server Agent job history log. To view the job history In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance. Expand SQL Server Agent, and then expand Jobs. Right-click a job, and ...
Step 2. Open SQL Server Agent In SSMS, navigate to the "Object Explorer" window on the left-hand side. Expand the server node to reveal the "SQL Server Agent" node. Right-click on "SQL Server Agent" and select "Jobs." Step 3. View Job List Once you've selected "Jobs," the right...
To view job activity Execute sp_help_jobactivity to view all SQL Server Agent jobs for the SQL Server instance. To view activity for a specific job, specify the job name. To view activity for a specific SQL Server Agent session, specify the session ID. See Also Reference sp_help_jobactiv...
In this article To view job activity See Also This topic describes how to use stored procedures to view the runtime state of SQL Server Agent jobs. To view job activity Executesp_help_jobactivityto view all SQL Server Agent jobs for the SQL Server instance. ...
Expand SQL Server Agent, right-click Jobs, and click Manage Job Categories. In the Manage Job Categories dialog box, select a job category, and then click View Jobs. Click Show all jobs. To add a job to the category, check the box in the Select column corresponding to the job. To rem...
In Object Explorer, expand SQL Server Agent, and then expand Jobs. Right-click the job you want to edit, and then click Properties. Select the Steps page, click a step, and then click Edit. In the Job Step Properties dialog box, select the Advanced page. In the On success actionlist,...
Step 1. Enable SQL Server Agent Before you start creating jobs, ensure that the SQL Server Agent is enabled on your instance. To verify this, open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and navigate to the "SQL Server Agent" node in the Object Explorer. If the agent is not running, right...
Local jobs are cached by the local SQL Server Agent. Therefore, any modifications implicitly force SQL Server Agent to re-cache the job. Because SQL Server Agent does not cache the job untilsp_add_jobserveris called, it is more efficient to callsp_add_jobserverlast. ...
Local jobs are cached by the local SQL Server Agent. Therefore, any modifications implicitly force SQL Server Agent to re-cache the job. Because SQL Server Agent does not cache the job untilsp_add_jobserveris called, it is more efficient to callsp_add_jobserverlast. ...
2 SQL Server Agents running. Getting started Open the regedit, to edit the Windows registry and change the registry\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\<instance_name>\SQL Server Agent\AllowDownloadedJobsToMatchProxyNameto 1 in the master and target Servers. ...