This article will demonstrate how to view the configurations in Git using the git config command. We will look at the different git config commands that we need to start. Let’s explore different types of Git configurations in the following. System Git Config Files Git comes up with four sta...
git config "Alvin J. Alexander" How to view and change your Git email address While I’m in the Git username neighborhood, I’ll also add that you can view your Git email address with this command: git config And you can change your Git email address like this...
Once a directory has been initialized, a hidden directory called.gitis created, which contains all the files Git requires to track changes made to code. To view this directory, run thels commandwith the-laoptions as shown. $ ls -la View Git Directory Files Tracking a project only happens ...
To view your commits to the git stash history, the default list command will suffice: git stash list Note that thegit stash listcommand takes all the same options asgit log, which means there are endless enhancements and formatting options. The–listswitch can also be used withgit config. F...
A git repository contains many commits depends on the project task. Sometimes the git user needs to clone a repository with the existing commits and may require to know the previous git commit history. `git log` command is used to view the commit history
“$ git clone[username]/[username]” Note that in this line of code, you must change the [username] portion with your username on GitHub to work. When you enter the code, GitHub will send a prompt saying that you’re cloning an empty repository. Don’t...
git config merge.conflictstyle diff3 4. Set the option to not prompt before running: git config mergetool.prompt false The diff tool setup for Git is complete. Using Mergetool to See the Differences To use themergetooland see the differences, run: ...
After we have installed git, we should set some configuration details that will keep our commit messages clean. Substitute your own name and email address in the following commands: <pre> git config“<span class=“highlight”>your name</span>” git config ...
Git has specific tools that allow us to navigate through them, we can view the projects in a tree structure. Branches like a tree: When we are working on the source code, we have the option to create as many new branches as we want. These branches are parallel to the original code ...
How To add a Tag In Git? OpenGit Bashin the working directory. Check if you have a clean working directory. Execute the following command to view the commits: git log --oneline We can now create a tag onto any of these commits. Let's tag the last commit on the dev branch by execu...