Checking your financial aid status can be crucial when planning to pay for college. Whether you check online or wait for your FAFSA®Submission Summary, understanding your financial aid status as well as what financial aid is being offered to you, if any, can make it easier to choose what...
Receiving your FAFSA Submission Summary Once you submit your FAFSA, you’ll see a confirmation page. The Department of Education will then process your application, which usually takes one to three business days (or longer for a paper application). Afterward, you'll receive an ...
The FAFSA requires you to indicate your tax dependency status, which can affect your eligibility for financial aid. Be sure to gather copies of your federal incometax returns, including W-2 forms from the previous year, to reference. If you are considered a dependent student, you will need t...
Creating an FSA ID is required to complete the online FAFSA® form. Continue reading to learn more about how to create an FSA ID.
Step 8: Finalize Your Submission:After submitting your FAFSA, you will receive a confirmation acknowledgment. If you have provided your email address, you will receive an email confirmation as well. Take note of any further steps or documentation required, and be sure to follow up accordingly. ...
We’ve writtenthis separate article(with lots of helpful screenshots too!) so you can also see what it looks like from the student’s point of view, from sign up through to scholarship application submission. Ready to get started with Going Merry as a counselor?
Right? So it can be combined with some FAFSA submission drives as well, too. 0:20:00.2 MR: Well, okay, well, so maybe this is the right time to turn the tables and let me ask you some questions. So, Kathy, with your expertise in general, when in the admission cycle are financial...
Be sure to include high-resolution images of your work, as well as concise descriptions to set the context for each project. Look for submission instructions on the website of your potential school or degree program. You’ll either submit a hard copy of your portfolio, upload a digital file...