How good is investing ?50000 pm in Tata P/E? Would it have been better to invest some amount from above in mid/small cap MF? How do I buy an NCD (non-convertible debenture) through ICICI Bank, if I have a demat account on Zerodha?
What happens to the stocks of a company undergoing insolvency process and the shares are no longer trading in either BSE or NSE? What is the book value per share for a firm with 2 million shares outstanding at a price of $50, a market-to-book ...
Dividend– This is the dividend expected per share in the stock, provided the stock goes ex-dividend within the expiry period. For example, today is September 11 and you wish to calculate the option Greeks for the ICICI Bank option contract. Assume ICICI Bank is going ex-dividend on Septembe...