var oAppI18nModel1 = new sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel({ bundleName : "buttontutorial.i18n", bundleLocale : oLocale }); What does the returned object oAppl18nModel1 consist of? 1. A local information zh ( Correct, since my Chrome language setting is set to Chinese ) 2. the val...
We start with Integration Styles and Use Case Patterns from SAP ISA-M[1] When building overall Integration Architecture on the Enterprise level, needless to say, it is mandatory to have a holistic view on all integrations. There are many EA tools (and other tools in general) which can be ...
Path to Define Company in SAP:- SAP IMG Path: – SPRO –> Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) –> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Financial Accounting –>Define Company Transaction codeto “Define Company in SAP”:-OX15. How to create a company in SAP S4 Hana system ...
this structure is used to hold basic data text present in basicdata1 view of transaction mm01. i want to know how i can access this structure in my, i want to check this basic data text and if proper data text is not present then i am trying to call transaction mm02 using...
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide > EnterpriseStructure> Definition > Materials Management > Maintain storage location. Next enter thePlantname for which you want to define the storage location and pressEnterkey to move forward The next screen shows the list of all the previously defined storage lo...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Hi Guys, Can anybody tell me How to get the Data from INVFO structure for field WRBTR and i am also down loading from BSEG WRBTR field. so i have to display these 2 fileds in the Final Ouput ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Here are the details - To add a custom structure to standard table, you will have to append the same. In the SE11 transaction you have following the next steps: 1.- Push the button CHANGE 2.- Push the button INSERT ROW is the button with gree...
Both the "enabled" and "visible" property accept either static values (true/false), a binding path, like in the example, or another path to a JavaScript function which returns true or false. The "text" property is the label of the button."CustomActionSection" : { "press": "sap.fe....
I have a structure in PB. How do I pass it to C function thru DLL call & return values within structure? Former Member on 2015 Jan 08 0 Kudos 249 SAP Managed Tags: SAP PowerBuilder I have a structure in PB. How do I pass it to C function thru DLL call &...
Use Exclude to deny access to objects. Run the /PALANTIR/AUTH_02 transaction and assign roles to users and contexts. The user is the one used by Foundry to connect to SAP, defined in the Foundry Source configuration. If there is no remote agent, extractor, or SLT, then context should ...