🚫 You must keep your account verified throughout Premier to remain eligible to play. If you've already verified your account, in the Premier screen you'll see Create a Team instead of Verify. You can also check in your VALORANT Settings, under General > Account. You must have completed...
How to checkVALORANT‘s server status VALORANT‘s official Twitter account A player’s best bet is tocheck theVALORANTTwitter account, which regularly updates fans on the game’s status. Whenever I can’t playVALORANT, my first step is to checkVALORANT’sTwitter account as Riot typically posts...
3. Fix Deus Ex: Human Revolution crashes/freezes and problem that doesn’t allow you to start the game 3.1) The game requires you to be an admin or run the game from under an admin account in Windows 7, so make sure that you’re doing so, otherwise you might not be able to play...