SAVVY SENIOR ; How to Verify Your Social Security BenefitsDear Savvy Senior,When my neighbor applied for his retirement benefits last year,he found that...Miller, Jim
Most workers don’t face an “official” retirement date, according to the Social Security Administration. The Social Security program allows workers to start receiving benefits as soon as they reach age 62 – or to put off receiving benefits up until age 70.2 “Full retirement age” is the a...
So it's time to apply for Social Security benefits. If you're like most of us, it still comes as a surprise when you reach this point. Whether you've decided to apply for partial benefits at 62 or wait until you reach full retirement age, getting money every month for doing nothing ...
However, the application process itself can take up to six months. So, don't wait for the six-month period of disability to elapse before applying for benefits; do it as soon as you become disabled. To learn more about the steps involved in applying, visit theSSA website. ...
Would a beneficiary have to take action to get increased benefits? It depends. The proposals moving on Capitol Hill are straightforward: “The Commissioner of Social Security shall adjust primary insurance amounts to the extent necessary to take into account” changes in the law. And the Social...
Thanks to Social Security benefits, some teachers are in better shape for their retirement years than they would be otherwise. For teachers who receive the average Social Security benefit when they reach 65 –$1,503a month in 2020 – it's another$200,000toward retirement, writes Alan Sloan ...
Social Security benefits are primarily retirement payments, but when someone in your family passes away, you might be entitled to survivors benefits.
How does the government calculate Social Security benefits? Use this Social Security calculator to calculate your benefits
The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 changed the rules on filing for spousal benefits underSocial Security, eliminating some popular claiming strategies that once allowed couples to increase their benefits. The new law didn't, however, do away with spousal benefits entirely. If you qualify...
Keep in mind, though, that the Social Security checks you receive may have an effect on the unemployment benefits you're entitled to get. It's always a good idea to check with the unemployment office in your state about the rules for collecting both types of benefits.15 You cannot, howeve...