See what you need to know to vape weed. From what to buy, how to pack a vape, how to inhale from a vape, to cleaning a vaporizer.
When it feels tough to stick to your vape-free resolution—and it will!—think about all of the good things that come from quitting. “Quitting vaping has huge health benefits,” Dr. Mora says. “Breathing better, feeling more focused and less tired. On a long-term basis, you’re reduc...
While vaping was initially thought to be better for your health than smoking tobacco, new research may suggest otherwise. Here's a guide on how to quit for good
and batteries eventually die for good. Plus, we can look at the less-frequent replacement needs: charger cords can get lost, and tank o-rings and glass can break. Customers will appreciate being able to get these needed maintenance products in addition to the basics of e-liquid and coils....
Stealth vaping allows you to exhale zero vapor instead of drawing unwanted attention. Learn about the devices to use and how to hide vapor.
One of the downsides to dabbing is the price.It can be costly, but since it’s so much more potent thancannabis buds, you’ll probably need a lot less of it to get high. How to Smoke Weed with an Apple It may sound strange to some, but apple pipes are a very popular method of...
Trying anything new can be scary, but vapes are particularly mysterious. How do these strange little machines work, how do you inhale vape, and what does
Vape substance: The vape substance you use can also affect how long your disposable e-cig lasts. Just like you can vape e-liquid or waxes or shatter, it’s not difficult to understand that e-liquid will take less energy to vape. Waxes or shatter often require a higher temperature to vap...
are the two main ingredients in vape juice and they affect the thickness and vapor production of the juice. Vape juices with a higher VG ratio will produce more vapor and have a smoother throat hit, while juices with a higher PG ratio will have a stronger throat hit and produce less ...