For example, let’s produce a workflow to validate a Docker Compose YAML file. So, let’s create a .github/workflows/validate-docker-compose.yamlfile with the following content: name: Validate Docker Compose on: [push, pull_request]jobs: validate: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Ch...
Remember, after modifying the YAML file, your dataset should be prepared to have annotations for all the classes you plan to detect, and these should be correctly indexed according to your updated YAML configuration. Once you've updated the YAML file and prepared your dataset accordingly, you ca...
error:errorvalidating"deployment-redis.yaml":errorvalidatingdata:ValidationError(Deployment.spec):unknownfield"volumeClaimTemplates"inio.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentSpec;ifyouchoosetoignoretheseerrors,turnvalidationoffwith--validate=false The content of deployment-redis.yaml is: deployment-redis.yaml apiVersion...
Model validation: You can validate your model in different kinds of ways including basic unit tests for the training code, an A/B comparison against a previous version of a model, or an end-to-end functional and performance test suite. Deployment:Enables you to deploy new models to different...
To validate that your AWS CloudFormation stack, log in to your personal AWS account in the AWS Console. Search forAWS CloudFormationin the search bar on the top of the AWS Console page. On theStackspage, underStack name, verify you have a stack titleddpr401with aStatusofCREATE_COMPLETE. ...
Next, create a test script that uses the GitHub Actions Toolkit to execute and validate our workflow locally. Let’s assume you have a GitHub Actions workflow file namedmain.workflowin our repository. Create a file named test.js and add the following code: ...
Kubeconfigfile is a YAML file that contains all the cluster information and credentials to connect to the cluster. As a Devops Engineer, You should learn to connect to kubernetes clusters in different ways using the Kubeconfig file. Because you will be responsible for setting up clusterauthentica...
. . . . 1-10 matlab.codeanalysis.validateConfiguration Function: View severity of issues in configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 typecast Function: Convert data types using "like" syntax, and ...
$ omc get po <pod_name> -oyaml|grep scc restricted $ oc get events 10m Warning FailedCreate statefulset/<statefule_name> create Pod <pod-name> in StatefulSet <statefule_name> failed error: pods "<pod-name>" is forbidden: unable to validate against any security context...
After waiting some time for the termination/re-creation of all NooBaa resources validate the new age of all MCG resources with the following commands: a.$ oc get pv -n openshift-storage | grep noobaa-db b.$ oc get deployment -n openshift-storage | grep noobaa ...