While this seemed like a distant dream in the past, it has now become a reality with theOculus Quest 2(Meta Quest 2). Not only can you playMinecraft in VR, you also have the capability to installadditional modsis now also available, doubling the fun. So stick around to find out how ...
that you’ve signed in to using your account and then connects to the console automatically. After the app connects, the screen of your console displays on your PC or Mac and you can start using Remote Play. If multiple consoles are found, select the console that you'd like to use. ...
Use proxies for 4K footage: When editing 4K or higher resolution footage, create lower-resolution proxy files to improve editing performance. Implement the 321 backup rule: Keep 3 copies of your footage, on 2 different types of storage media, with 1 copy stored off-site or in the cloud. ...
Windows themes change the look and feel of your desktop with background pictures, window colors, and sounds. In addition, Windows 11 themes are free to apply to your entire operating system. Choose from practical themes that reduce eye strain, aesthetic themes with exclusive art, themes from yo...
Use the shortcut menu. You can open this by right-clicking the title bar or selecting the upper-right-hand window icon and then choosingDockfrom the menu. Drag the window to a docking location somewhere on your screen, which means it will always dock. ...
If you’re connecting wirelessly, don’t forget toenable Air Linkon both the Oculus desktop settings and headset settings. But if you’re using the Link cable, make sure to toggle off the Air Link option. Power off your headset, turn it on, and then replug it back in. Sometimes a sim...
If you’re alaptopuser yearning for desktop-quality graphics, an external GPU (eGPU) might be the solution you’re looking for. In this guide, we’ll explore what eGPUs are, how they work, and how to set one up for your laptop. ...
1. First, go to the Steam library and right-click Red Dead Redemption 2. Select Properties and disable Desktop Game Theater while Steam VR is active. 2. Open the game and go to Settings > Controls > Controller. From there, set Lock-On Mode (On-Foot) and Lock-On Mode (Mount/Vehicle...
The device GUID ensures that the presenter and the mixer use compatible technologies. If the device GUIDs do not match, the EVR fails to initialize.The standard mixer and presenter both use Direct3D 9, with the device GUID equal to IID_IDirect3DDevice9. If you intend to use your custom ...
XSOverlay is a desktop overlay manager for SteamVR. The core functionality of this app is allowing you to drop an overlay of a desktop window into your VR space. This application is necessary for viewing your phone in VR after pairing. ...