Admins can use the MFA Server Migration Utility to target single users or groups of users for testing and controlled rollout without having to make any tenant-wide changes.Video: How to use the MFA Server Migration UtilityTake a look at our video for an overview of the MFA Server Migratio...
Admins can use the MFA Server Migration Utility to target single users or groups of users for testing and controlled rollout without having to make any tenant-wide changes.Video: How to use the MFA Server Migration UtilityTake a look at our video for an overview of the MFA Server Migration...
In this tutorial, we will use Spaces to back up WordPress data. Because the DigitalOceanSpaces APIis interoperable with the AWS S3 API, we will be able to use S3-compatible plugins to manage our backups, as well asS3cmd, a client tool for working with S3 and S3-compatible object stores...
This latest response from one: “However, we are sadly not able to provide a refund, or even a partial one for the 12-month WoW subscription, since it was purchased a while ago, and has a lot of game progress on it, with that said, all you need to do isadd your paymen...
You will need a Pro License to access the user registration add-on and the email activation feature. The good news is that WPBeginner users can use theWPForms Couponto get 50% off their purchase. Now, the first thing you need to do is install and activate theWPFormsplugin. For more detai...
If you don’t want to use Google reCAPTCHA, then you can use your math quiz or questions with the WPForms Custom Captcha addon. Note:You’ll need the pro version of the plugin to access the custom captcha addon. Simply head over to theWPForms » Addonspage to install and activate the...
However, it’s far too easy to fall into the trap of using these tactics without delivering real value. For example, a business may artificially inflate product prices before a sale to offer a bigger discount. Or advertise a limited-time sale on a premium online subscription despite offering ...
sometimes Great Vault gear can be disappointing. Aspects’ Token of Merit provides an alternative to the loot players are dropped from the Great Vault. Thankfully, the purveyor of tokens is located next to the Great Vault: players can purchase this currency from Evantiks. Players should note th...
Here is how to create a MetaMask desktop wallet via a Chrome extension. You can also use other browsers such as Firefox and Brave. Whatever you choose, it is very important that you only download from the official MetaMask site. Go to Click either of the “Download” buttons...
The subscription window pops up every time for me, is the legacy version the only way to make it go away? I didn't know Legacy existed until your posts, it just caught me off guard too. Filmic is already a pain in the ass. I find using the regular camera app instead ...