Maybe if words are reduced or emphasized in a way that is not natural to you or not in a way that is not used in your native language, your brain may filter it out even.也许如果单词以一种对你来说不自然的方式减少或强调,或者不是以一种不是在你的母语中使用的方式,你的大脑甚至可能会过...
LISTENING TO HOW BODIES TALK倾听身体的诉说We use both words and body language to express our thoughts在与他人交流时,我们既使用言语也通and opinions in our interactions with other people. We can learn a lot过身势语来表达我们的想法和观点。通过about what people are thinking by watching their body...
Possessive nouns can get confusing, especially when you’re making a noun ending in s possessive or learning to use the correct possessive forms of plural nouns. Below, we explain everything you need to know about possessive nouns and give plenty of examples. Work smarter with Grammarly The AI...
In fact you don’t have to use your voice at all. “You can express what you like and don’t like or what you want for the future by writing or drawing instead,” says Clements. “It’s about finding ways to share what matters to you,” she explains. Why is it important? 3...
So yes, you can definitely ask your interviewer about what it's like to work for that particular organization. Simple questions like, “What three words would you use to describe the culture here?” or “What's your favorite part about working for this company?can reveal a lot about what...
Numberone: It'sokaytofeelfakeatfirst.第一:一开始感觉假是正常的。Here'sthething, whenyou'relearninganewsoundyou'reusingdifferentmuscles.事情是这样的,当你学习一个新的声音时,你会使用不同的肌肉。You'redoingthingsthatyou'renotusedtodoing.你在做你不习惯做的事情。Consideringyoudon'thavethesoundin...
读文清障难词注解教材原文课文翻译LISTENING TO HOW BODIES TALK① express our thoughts We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions我and opinions① in our interactions with other people②. We can的思想和观点learn a lot about what people are thinking by watching their②...
That’s the way you use it when you say you’re going to class tomorrow. To also plays a role when we want to form the infinitive of a verb (that’s what the to before form in this sentence is doing). You’ll often use to when you want to indicate a relationship between words ...
一原文再现译文参照LISTENING TO HOW BODIES TALK倾听身体的诉说We use both words and body language to express our thoughts在与别人的交流(interaction)中,我们既使用and opinions in our interactions with other people. We can learn a lot措辞也通过肢体语言来表达我们的想法和观点。about what people are thi...
WhenIsaydrop, Idon'tmeanlikethisthewayIdroppedmypencil.当我说放下时,不是说像这样丢掉铅笔一样放下。SometimesinEnglishweusetheverbdroptomeanstopdoingsomething, letitgo. Whenwefeelstuck, it'snaturalforustodothingsthatfeelcomfortableandfamiliar.在英语中,我们有时候用动词 drop 来表示停止做某件事情,让...