Enhanced User Experience: The Word Read Aloud feature enhances your overall user experience and document enjoyment. You can listen to your documents while multitasking or use them as background sound for relaxation or meditation. It adds a new dimension to how you interact with your conte...
To change theVoice SpeedorVoice Selection, use thegearicon to the right. To exit Read Aloud and Immersive Reader, use thebackarrowon the top left and return to the document’s original view. Use Read Aloud in Word in the Mobile App The Read Aloud feature is a handy way to listen to ...
When you finish using Read Aloud, use theXon the right of the controls to close and exit. You can then continue working on or reading your Word document as usual. Use Read Aloud in Word on the Web If you use Microsoft Word on the web, you can use Read Aloud within the Immersive Rea...
When you're reading an ebook, you can use Read to Me to hear up to one paragraph read aloud. Note:If you use Sora with ascreen reader, we recommend using"Read From Here" modeinstead. To use Read to Me: Click (or tap) and hold a word. To select more than one word, hold and ...
Step 1:In Microsoft Edge, navigate to your preferred webpage and click theRead Aloud iconat the top. Step 2:Click onVoice optionsat the top right corner. Step 3:Use thesliderunder Speed to adjust the reading speed as needed. Alternatively, use the left or right arrow keys to do the sa...
Click on the X in the menu bar to remove the dictation menu. You can say "Pause Dictation". That's all there is to it! You can start using speech-to-text on your next MS Word document. How to Use the Microsoft Word Read Aloud Feature. Here’s how to use the Microsoft Word Text...
To use Read aloud in Microsoft Edge for iPad, follow these steps-Advertisements Open a webpage that you want to read. Tap on the text and hold it until you get some popup options. SelectRead aloudfrom the list of options. First, open a webpage in the Microsoft Edge browser on your iP...
Use Speak to Read Text Aloud: Step 1:In your PowerPoint presentation, highlight the text you want to be read aloud. This can be in PowerPoint read aloud slides or PowerPoint read aloud notes. Step 2:Click on the Speak icon in the Quick Access Toolbar. The highlighted text will be read...
Picture Dictionary gives you the ability to click on any single word and view visual support. You can also hear the word read aloud. Translate allows you to view a selected word or the entire document in your preferred language. Shortcut keys for Immersive Reader ...
In this article, you'll learn how to use the Microsoft Word read aloud feature to read Word Documents, PDFs, and even website content. How to Use Microsoft Word's Read Aloud Feature on Desktop Launch the Microsoft Word desktop application and open the document you want to read aloud. Cli...