This makes it easy to turn on and off the lights for each “day” so grow lights are more automated. There are many different sized grow lights, from the CFL light bulbs you already use in your house to bigger, more specialized grow lights that produce pounds of bud at a time. There...
Changing his diaper today, my sister who daycares him, brought to my attention he's starting to shake his hands and wiggle his fingers (not as in tremor. sorry, hard to describe); he's also done it recently a couple times to her when he doesn't want her to get too him. When ...
Use 4 or 5 ft (1.2 or 1.5 m) welded wire fencing or hog wire to create a 12 to 18 in (30 to 46 cm) diameter cage. This size cage can support 2 or 3 vines. As your plant gets bigger, you can gently wrap the vine tendrils around the wire to encourage the plant to grow up...