Hosting your own website doesn't have to cost a monthly fee or require a lot of technical knowledge to setup. If you just need to host a small website that will only have a few visitors, you can turn your Windows PC into a WAMP server. Should You Host Your Own Site? While hosting...
However, you don’t need to learn how to do all these things in order to host your website. Luckily, thousands of companies offer this as a service (at a small cost). All websites on the internet use a web hosting company to host their websites. Even tech giants like Netflix (hos...
There are probably more reasons to use a local install, but those are the main reasons we used them! WampServer, or WAMP as it’s more commonly known, allows you to install WordPress on your computer. If you don’t want to install a program on your computer, check outZipWP. It’s a...
Step 1: Open C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\conf\httpd.conf and uncomment the virtual hosts include and save:Step 2: Open your windows host file, C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts , and add the name you want to use for your virtual host....
DNS required to host a website from home Now I’m going to tell you how to assign a domain name for your web site. Since you don’t have a DNS server running on your computer, you will need to get DNS service from somewhere else. To do this, we are going to use a service call...
Once downloaded, extract the WordPress files to your newly createdc:\wamp\www\websitefolder. Creating the WordPress MySQL Database First, you should create your WordPress database on your live production server as sometimes a webhost will give your database a prefix name automatically (e.g. ...
Now, let’s connect your WordPress website to your domain. If you haven’t bought a domain yet, don’t worry. Bluehost offers a temporary subdomain that you can use in the meantime. After you’ve made your selection, just click ‘Continue.’ At this stage, you can wait a few minu...
Figure 1: Using Docker Compose to deploy your WordPress site. Explanation: -f wordpress-traefik-letsencrypt-compose.yml: Specifies the Docker Compose file to use. -p website: Sets the project name to website. up -d: Builds, (re)creates, and starts containers in detached mode. Step 5: ...
There are many tools or applications available out there. But I would recommend WampServer for creating localhost in PC. WampServer is recognized as aWindows web development environment. You could use XAMPP also, the most popular alternative of WampServer. I prefer Wamp, so, throughout the tutoria...
MySQL, and PHP, a WAMP server creates a local environment. The local environment lets web developers continue their work offline, as well as test features before rolling them out into live environments. (Here'show to create a virtual web development environment...