In comparison with many Latin American countries,Spaniards tend to use informal conjugations (túandvosotros) much morefrequentlyand reserveustedesexclusively for very formal situations, such as a job interview. When to UseVosotrosCommands Now that we’ve gone through when to usevosotros,let’s talk ...
Present indicative(I lose, you lose, etc.):yopierdo, túpierdes, usted/el/ellapierde, nosotros/nosotras perdemos, vosotros/vosotras perdéis, ustedes/ellos/ellaspierden. Present subjunctive(that I lose, that you lose, etc.):que yopierda, que túpierdas, que usted/el/ellapierda, que nosotros...
A vosotros osgustacomer carne, ¿no? – You guys like to eat meat, don’t you? A ellos no lesgustael libro. – They don’t like the book. Gustar conjugation chart: Preterite tense To conjugate gustar in the past, follow the same steps as you would for the present tense to select...
Never separatehaberfrom the past participle.This is one of the main differences between Spanish and English when it comes to the present perfect tense. You simply can’t add any word to the tense and break it apart. For example, if you want to say “I have never drunk alcohol in my li...
Ustedesandvosotrosare both second-person plural pronouns. You use them to address two or more people directly, like the English pronoun you (plural). Technically,ustedesis the formal version of the pronoun andvosotrosis the informal version. However, in practice,ustedesis used as both formal and...
Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Explore Regional Spanish with Premium Only covers the whole Spanish-speaking world! Country-specific vocabulary Slang, idiom, and regional phrasebooks Vosotrosvsvosconjugation practice ...
In the time present , the form of vosotros or vosotras also has an accent: You look, you have, you drive, you read, you open... As a recap, we have seen these 3 tenses that have acute words with tilde: Present Indefinite past tense Simple future Acute words without tilde There are...
Word of the Day marchito withered Explore Regional Spanish with Premium Only covers the whole Spanish-speaking world! Country-specific vocabulary Slang, idiom, and regional phrasebooks Vosotros vs vos conjugation practice Regional grammar Try 7 Days for Free🚀...
dialect can sound almost like a mix of Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. Additionally, Argentines and Uruguyans use “vos” as a replacement for both “tu” (you, informal) and “usted” (you, formal). It resembles the Castellano “vosotros” (you, plural) but it is not to be ...
vosotros/vosotrasyou [plural and informal] ellosthey [masculine or mixed] ellasthey [feminine] ustedesyou [plural and formal] They in Spanish = Ellos/Ellas In order to say “they” in Spanish you will say: They = Ellos [masculine or mixed] ...