1.1 How to use the VLOOKUP function with two conditions (AND logic)? The image above shows a data set in cell range B2:F12, the VLOOKUP function in cell D16 looks for both a value in column B and another value in column C. If both values match a third value on the same row is ...
When you have a partial match, you can use wildcards in the VLOOKUP function. In Microsoft Excel, the VLOOKUP function helps you to: find information in a large spreadsheet join two bits of information together combine data from many tables sort information into new categories assign values to...
VLOOKUP stands for “Vertical Lookup.” It is a function in Excel that allows users to search for specific data in a table and return corresponding values from another column. This function searches for a value from the first column of a table and returns the value in the same row. VLOOKUP...
When you use VLOOKUP in Excel, it typically returns the first matching value from a dataset. However, there are scenarios where you may need to return and concatenate multiple corresponding values (e.g., all names associated with a specific class). Since VLOOKUP alone cannot achieve this, we...
For example, let’s find an Address based on a Postcode. Steps: In cell D17, enter the following formula: =VLOOKUP(B17,B5:E14,3,FALSE) Press Enter. The Address matching the Postcode is returned – 289 Creek Drive. Read More: How to Use VLOOKUP to Search Text in Excel Reason Behin...
Did you ever get frustrated because you had to specify the exact match mode whenever you use VLOOKUP? Luckily, this trouble no longer exists when you try the amazing XLOOKUP function.By default, XLOOKUP generates an exact match. Now, suppose you have a list of office supplies inventory, and...
If VLOOKUP doesn't find an exact match, it'll return an #N/A error. This formula is like saying to Google Sheets, "Here's a value I want you to find in this specific part of the table. Once you find it, grab the information from this column. Also, the data [is/isn't] ...
Let's lookup a value that does not exist in our data to demonstrate the importance of this parameter! Exact Match Use FALSE to find an exact match: =VLOOKUP(10248, A1:B6, 2, FALSE)Result:#N/A If no exact match is found, #N/A is returned. ...
Method 3 – Inserting the VLOOKUP Function to Find Matching Values in Two Worksheets Steps: Use the following function in F5: =VLOOKUP(B5,'Sales-Jan'!$B$5:$C$16,2,FALSE) Col_index_numis2. We want to get the matching names with the matching IDs ...
It provides a quick overview of your data. Intermediate Excel Skills At the intermediate level, you need to master some more advanced Excel skills like: Lookup Functions –Use lookup functions like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and INDEX MATCH to find data in other worksheets or workbooks. These functions...