[Neovim](https://neovim.io/) is a fork of Vim to allow greater extensibility and integration. This extension uses a fully embedded Neovim instance, no more half-complete Vim emulation! VSCode's native functionality is used for insert mode and editor commands, making the best use of both edi...
Hi, I'm trying to see if a can remap shift+ZZ to just clear vim's history, save the file, and keep the tab open. This all works except for clearing the undo history, i.e. vim.vimState.historyTracker.removeMarks ( just a shot in the dark ...
Let’s learn the simple steps to set Visual Studio Code as the default editor in Git. This will help the developers to edit their code directly in VSCode instead of Notepad or other editors. Gitis a popular free version control software that was created initially to develop the Linux kernel...
I used tons of editors and IDEs in the past few years. I can remember TextMate, TextWrangler, Espresso, BBEdit, XCode, Coda, Brackets, Sublime Text, Atom, vim, PHPStorm. The difference between an IDE and an editor is mostly in the feature set, and complexity. I largely prefer an edit...
Create a Dockerfile in this folder and add the following commands. FROM node:18.7.0 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ nano \ Vim We start off by using the node:18.7.0 official image. I’ve found that this image is fine for creating a development image. I like to add a...
This config will force terser to ignore/remove all console logs commands during compression. S Samuel Quiroz make sure that the name of the folder that the flutter project is in. Doesn't have spaces. that was my error K Kartik Bhargav Use Window Object window.console.log(".."...
code . , use VSCode to open the current folder project (VSCode comes with a command line) It is so efficient, so how to build it? Take 10 minutes and follow the steps below. In this process, you may encounter various problems. I have posted relevant solutions in the article as much ...
baseurl=https://packages.microsoft.com/yumrepos/vscode enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc To install Visual Studio code, run the command: $ sudo dnf install code To use it, use the Application manager to search theVisual Studio Codeand launch it, ...
As with a fast-forward merge, you won’t normally need to specify a recursive merge. However, you can make sure Git doesn’t choose something like a fast-forward merge using the following commands and flags: gitmerge --no-ffgitmerge-srecursive<branch1><branch2> ...
“How to fix‘Syntax Error Near’error in BASH” BASH脚本中的export关键字 :不是有效的标识符bash export表示 在bash alias命令中,如何使PHP脚本的结果可供其余的bash脚本使用? 如何同时将参数传递给bash和fish中的alias/function Alias for JDK在ZSH中不起作用,但在bash中起作用 ...