How do you use date and time in a sentence? A comma should follow the time rangeif the sentence continues: “The meeting is scheduled for August 31, 7-9 p.m., and will feature a guest speaker.” A reference to day, date, and time requires commas between each pair of elements: “T...
In other words, the number of books we read is purely a vanity metric that we use to impress other people.换句话说,我们阅读的书籍数量纯粹是我们用来打动他人的虚荣心指标。In this video, I'd like to propose a new way of approaching reading.在本视频中,我想提出一种新的阅读方式。This is ...
creating tickets for complex queries, booking an appointment, and much more. But no matter what yourchatbot use casemight be, you need to follow specific tips to ensure your chatbot sounds empathetic yet professional. Well, you can find a few of them in the next ...
We're diving into the real-life, everyday language people use when talking about their cinematic experiences. Get ready to sound like a movie-loving native speaker! Let's start with the basics. The most straightforward way to say you're watching a movie is, simply, "I'm ...
Because your resume is a crucial first impression maker, selecting thebest resume format, the right words and effectively communicating your experience are crucial. Understanding thesewhat to put on your resumewill prepare you to advance in the hiring process; you can also use a resume builder. ...
How would you describe your brand in one sentence? What’s your purpose? Who is your target audience? Why should Instagram users follow you? Once you’ve got those on lock, you’re on the road to better communicating your Instagram aesthetic. PSA: You can plan, preview, and automatical...
Theresponseis the action itself. Start small, or as James suggests, scale it down to just two minutes—like writing one sentence or doing one push-up. This lowers resistance and gets you into the habit of “showing up,” which lays the groundwork for consistency. ...
04. Use high-quality images It’s not justphotography portfoliosthat need high-quality images; all portfolios need them, whether you’remaking a fashion portfolioor amarketing portfolio. To ensure that your work looks as impressive online as it does in real life, invest time and effort into ph...
There is a sentence I say to my fans and to myself: Always be proud of yourself. That's the message I want to say to the world. Don't care about the comments and judgments, you are you, you are doing a good job, so just focus on [that]. If you lose yourself, you ...
So I'm going to chat a little bit about that. I'm going to try to get that vibe out there in a second, but I don't know if everybody's actually enjoying themselves, but I don't think you know if you're enjoying yourself either. Gant: So I have this website that'll help ...