I have a pipeline which download some repo into the VM, and downloaded files have reference to jfrog artifacts. I moved files from jfrog to Azure. want to change the references in code from jfrog to azure. Attached image for Jfrog refrence. I need to…
An Azure Pipeline task is a single task to be performed in an Azure Pipeline. An Azure Pipeline Job is a grouping of tasks that run sequentially on the same target. In many cases, you will want to only execute a task or a job if a specific condition has been met. Azu...
I have a pipeline which consists of four Python files. I would like to import these files to AZURE and make the pipeline run from there (Azure), because at the moment it is on my machine, and I am using Task Scheduler to automate the process. The downside on this is that my machine...
Our DevOps team has the SqlPackage.exe file saved in a custom location on a virtual machine used for the agents. I need to access the file to be able to deploy DB projects to on-premise server using Azure DevOps pipeline. I tried couple different appro...
dev.azure.com (formerly visualstudio.com) Operation system windows-latest Question I am attempting to upgrade Node in the pipeline from 16 to 18. Gradle fails with an error relating to SSL, the solution is apparently to pass NODE_OPTIONS=---openssl-legacy-provider as a variable in the pipel...
ActivitiesA single processing step in a pipeline. Azure Data Factory supports three types of activity: data movement, data transformation, and control activities. DatasetsRepresent data structures within your data stores. Datasets point to (or reference) the data that you want to use in your activi...
This article shows you how to deploy polyglot apps in the Azure Spring Apps Enterprise plan, and how these polyglot apps can use the build service features provided by buildpacks.PrerequisitesAn already provisioned Azure Spring Apps Enterprise plan instance. For more information, see Quickstart: ...
GitHub Actions: Using Secrets to Set Environment Variables A common problem to run into is to think that the environment variable is the same thing as the GitHub Secret (or Azure DevOps pipeline variable). In this demo, I intentionally named the secrets a different name than the environment ...
In this article, we will learn to use the Azure Data Factory debug feature to test the pipeline activities during the development stage.
In this article, we will learn to use the Azure Data Factory debug feature to test the pipeline activities during the development stage.