In this demonstration, we use the STLINK VCOM Port connected to the MCU's USART3 (figure 2). Furthermore, we use the TIM2 and the board’s user LED (figure 3). Two callbacks are registered: one for the UART_Tx and the other one for the timer overflow, also known as period elapse...
The USART3 peripheral pins are mapped in the pinout view as STLINK_VCP_TX and STLINK_VCP_RX, as they are configured as Virtual COM Port. Configure the peripheral in Asynchronous Mode and with the desired parameters: Baud rate, Word Length, Parity and Stop Bits. The default settings are: ...
AN5185 Application note How to use STMicroelectronics firmware upgrade services for STM32WB MCUs Introduction This document describes the firmware upgrade services (FUS) available on STM32WB series microcontrollers. These services are provided by STMicroelectronics code, which is located i...
AN5185 Application note How to use STMicroelectronics firmware upgrade services for STM32WB MCUs Introduction This document describes the firmware upgrade services (FUS) available on STM32WB series microcontrollers. These services are provided by STMicroelectronics code, which is...
However, semihosting can be extremely slow. Another good option is to output debug information over the serial port (UART). We can call the STM32 HAL functions (e.g. HAL_UART_Transmit), but sometimes it’s easier to use the standard C library functions printf, scanf, and so on. To do...
In this article, we show how to configure a general-purpose timer for PWM output with an STM32F446 microcontroller board in C.
Previously, I had been working on STM32 controllers, where I found it easy to configure the USART peripherals using the IOC configuration tool. We just had to select the UART number, choose synchronous or asynchronous mode, set the baud rate, and data length, and the code would...
It would be possible to use the STM32 SDMMC drivers since SdFat supports general block devices. Unless you do huge transfers, performance would be poor. There are lots of problems with the STM32 SDMMC controllers. Many variants have serious errata. Even the newest versions in STM32F7 and ...
The great thing about using the USART2 pins is that we can transmit or receive data using the UART protocol via USB. So just connecting the STM32F446 board to your computer using a USB, you can intercept UART communication using a software. We will use theRealTermsoftware, which is ...
NVIC refers to nested vector interrupt controller, is a controller built in cortex arm M3 M4 processors, therefore this feature can also be found at some other brand’s arm M3 M4 processors other than stm32. There are 2 different kinds of priorities:preemption priorities and sub priorities ...