our async methods will be run on the main unity thread by default. In non-unity C# applications, async methods are often automatically run on separate threads, which would be a big problem in Unity since we would not always be able to interact with the Unity API in these cases....
Everything you need to start your Unity journey. Access free resources, get started tutorials, and launch into the Unity Editor.
You can use this to give your players in-game rewards (such as coins, gems, points or extra lives) for watching an ad.If you have previously used Unity Ads using the Asset Store package: what has changed?You do not need to register to Unity Ads self-serve admin; instead, an account...
The Unity Manual helps you learn and use the Unity engine. With the Unity engine you can create 2D and 3D games, apps and experiences.
Now we’re moving so fast that Unity has to wait to reach my target 120 FPS! Great! Notice how simple it was to figure this out. I made a simple mistake because when I wrote this, I was naive about Unity. But, if I started over-optimizing I could’ve created some complex algorithm...
Unity has several kinds of special folders. One of them is the Resources folder. Simple concept of storing assets is well-explained in the official documentation: Generally, you create instances of assets in a scene to use them in gameplay but Unity also lets you load assets on demand from ...
reason:In Unity classes inherited by MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject used in the scene for GameObject objects, and made a bunch of class name, so changing the name of the class - Unity will not be able to associate a link in GameObject with real class in the assembly (dll). ...
Hi, I am interesting to use Intel RealSense SDK and I would like to create some projects in Unity using the RealSense SDK. So I have already
Join Canada’s own Mickey MacDonald and Bryan Griffiths and learn how to bring your Unity games to the Windows and Windows Phone platforms. You’ll see how easy it is to customize your app to take advantage of the built-in Windows 8.1 features; for example, increase user interactio...
How We Use UnityAlistair Doulin