I want to use ADC_SAR_SEQ on CY8CKIT-042 to get analog voltage value and output it through uart. When I try to convert a float32 value to char directly through sprintf and output it through UartPutString function, the uart port assistant will not display the string converted from float...
I want to use ADC_SAR_SEQ on CY8CKIT-042 to get analog voltage value and output it through uart. When I try to convert a float32 value to char directly through sprintf and output it through UartPutString function, the uart port assistant will not display the string converted from float...
I have updated the device tree with the like below and I am trying to use UART3 in DTE mode. New UART Swap within the iMX8 and BT Device connection DTE Mode (DCEDTE=1) UART IP port, Internal IO Direction iMX8 PIN OUT Device Side Signals & Pins Connected RTS_B...
There are additional UART number related changes to be done in arch/arm/mach-davinci/include/mach/uncompress.h function get_uart_base(). With this fixed the "Uncompressing Linux" message should appear. Further debug can be done by enabling low level debug (CONFIG_...
Hi everyone, I use Codewarrior, MKE06Z128 I have a problem when creating a project using both freeRTOS and UART components. Before i added the UART
Finally, add your custom callback functions code, again, use the USER CODE comment to locate the proper place to add the code snippet. /* USER CODE BEGIN 4 */ void User_UartCompleteCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(USER_LED_GPIO_Port, USER_LED_Pin); ...
In the previous post the design is for Cyclone V SoC board that would have a separate UART pin on the FPGA side, for your DE10 nano board, you only have the HPS UART pin, which means you need to use the HPS to use the UART. I will try my best to g...
I have no experience with Putty, and I'm completely new with FPGAs and hardware programming (this project was assigned to me). How can I make use of the design I got so I can transmit the counting of the FPGA to my PC. Labels System]| SDRAM| Pin Assignment...
I wanna use the UART of RK3288 Dev. Board.I exactly followed everything of the guide in the homepage at "Using UART"But it didn't work at all.I don't think , I missed something of the guide.Please help meThank you for your support...
With OMAP3, you also need to verify the pad where the signal leaves the chip is configured properly. For the OMAP3 in the CBB package (used on Gumstix Overo Water board) GPIO147 uses the uart2_rx pad. cat /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux/uart2_rx ...