The first part of the time limiteventtime> = ut ('2021-04-01')is set directly. We don’t recommend using such conditions in widgets and dashboards. It is much better to use floating dates depending on the current date or the time of the event. date_trunc ('month', current_date)ro...
In Oracle you would use the following, could be not completely correct on the case statement:...
2. For each value in the table, divide it by the total count of its cohort and multiply by 100 to get the percentage. If you're using SQL, you can achieve this with a query similar to the following: ```sqlSELECTcohort_date,SUM(CASE WHEN DATE_TRUNC('month', created_at) = coh...
Dates and Times How to Query Date and Time How to Group by Time How to Round Timestamps How to Convert UTC to Local Time Zone Analysis How to Use Coalesce How to Get First Row Per Group How to Avoid Gaps in Data How to Do Type Casting How to Write a Common Table Expression How ...
Learn how to use a common table expression or CTE in SQL, and read how recursive CTEs turn impossible Postgres queries into possible.
Mastering SQL ROUND: Precision Handling in Data Analysis Learn how to use the SQL ROUND function in this tutorial. It covers the implementation of the ROUND function in Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. Feb 8, 2024 · 10 min read Share When you work with data, precision is im...
Setting SQL Options for Datacom SQL Access Session Options Setting Command Area Options Use the SET COMMAND SESSION OPTIONS command to display the fill-in that sets command area options. The SET commands you can use to set these options are described after th...
Whatever units you use, double-check whether you should include or exclude the end value to avoid off-by-one errors. When creating a row per day, you can avoid part-day issues bytrunc()ingthe values first. This strips off the time, returning adatewith a time of midnight. The...
For Tab Options, accept the default Do not use Tabs and click Next. For Query: For Series Name, enter Phones. In SQL, enter: SELECT NULL l, sales_month, revenue FROM ( SELECT TO_CHAR(o.order_timestamp,'Mon YYYY') sales_month, SUM(oi.quantity * oi.unit_price) revenue, TO_DATE(...
Use the following SQL statement to query the number and size of archives generated in the Oracle database per hour and per day in the last 3 days. In a RAC environment,THREAD#has multiple different values. You need to distinguish the values for different nodes. To change the query interval...