It’s enough information to give Db7 a similar sense of tension and release to G7 in the context of aharmonic progression. If that weren’t enough, the root of the tritone substitution is exactly a tritone away from the root of the dominant 7th! Using the Db7 in place of the G7 is ...
How do you sub a tritone? The tritone substitution can be performed by exchanging a dominant seventh chord for another dominant seven chord which is a tritone away from it. For example, in the key of C major one can use D♭7 instead of G7. (D♭ is a tritone away from G). How...
Learn how to rearrange a song with a variety of reharmonization rules: adding extra chords, playing color tones in chord extensions, applying chord substitution rules, making good use of diminished chords, playing tritone chord substitutions to create chromatic basslines, altering dominant 7 chords ...