The combination of theFIND,LEFTandTRIMfunctions helps us to calculate the position of the first space character in the string; spaces towards the left side of the string. Here, we passed the formula throughREPLACEfunction. As a result, the leading spaces of the string were replaced with no bl...
Learn how to use the Excel TRIM function to remove extra spaces from text, improving data cleanliness and readability in your spreadsheets.
How to Use the TRIM Function in Microsoft Excel When you copy text into Microsoft Excel, it can occasionally come with characters you'd prefer to see removed, such as unnecessary spaces. Rather than remove these manually, you can use the TRIM function to do it for you. What Is the TRIM ...
To join multiple cell values with a comma, we can use a formula based on the SUBSTITUTE and TRIM functions. Suppose we are given the following data: The formula to use is: The formula first joins the values in the four cells to the left using the concatenation operator (&) and a singl...
To remove all unnecessary spaces, I can use TRIMRANGE like this: =TRIMRANGE(A1:E18) Since trim_rows and trim_columns default to 3, Excel will remove both leading and trailing blank rows and columns. This cleans up the dataset entirely, giving me only the core data without any surrounding...
Excel TRIM function can remove in-between spaces. Any spaces between two words can be eliminated. VBA Trim function can only remove leading and trailing spaces. Issues with the Trim function in VBA If you use this code for digits with spaces to the right “14555557899200155 ”, the VBA Trim...
1. If you want to remove the space in the text "Excel Function Tutorial". Select the cell B1, enter the formula =TRIM(A1), press Enter, and return to the "Excel Function Tutorial". Double-click B2, copy the formula =SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","") to B2, press Enter, return to "ExcelFun...
In this article, we will learn about how to use the TRIM function in Excel to remove all spaces and non-breaking spaces.TRIM function in ExcelTRIM function is a TEXT function in Excel used to remove all extra spaces from the text string except for single space between words....
Excel VBA TRIM Function VBA TRIM comes under the String and Text functions. This function is a Worksheet function in VBA. Similar to the worksheet reference, this function one may use to trim or remove unwanted spaces from a string. It takes a single argument, an input string, and returns...
If there are some non-printing characters in your string such as appeared in Excel as CHAR(160), they cannot be removed successfully with the TRIM function. In this case, you need to combine the TRIM function, CLEAN function and SUBSTITUTE function together to handle this job. ...