Use the Transparency tool in CorelDRAW to apply the desired level of transparency from uniform to gradient. 3. Isolate your image Select the background you want to remove by separating it from the main image. 4. Delete the background Choose the background you want to remove and delete it...
How to use the Ellipse toolsTutorial Free trial Download resources See more tutorialsIn this tutorial, we’ll review 2 CorelDRAW tools for drawing circles and ellipses: the Ellipse tool and the 3-Point Ellipse tool. Learn the basics of using these tools, plus how to make modifications such as...
We also need to create a rectangle on the bottom half of our ecard that will have a white fill and rounded corners. You can use the Shape tool for this. Once you have done that, convert it to a transparent object with a transparency of 40%. 3. Import other elements Now that our ...
We are going to make the swirl transparent using ” Transparency Tool “ Select the smaller Swirl, put White Color in it and go to the ” Transparency Tool ” in the left toolbar. Left click, hold and drag from the middle to the left side. This will give transparency effect to the sm...
Open a New Document in CorelDRAW. Use the Ellipse Tool (F7) to draw a circle. Set the fill color to teal (#04D6CF) in the Object Properties docker and make sure the shape's Outline is set to none. Draw a rectangle in the center of the circle with the Rectangle Tool (F6) and ...
You could draw one by hand and scan it, or as in my case, use the Freehand tool (found in the Curve Tools flyout) and draw it directly in CorelDRAW. Figure 1 The next step is to duplicate that script (Ctrl+D) and stagger the duplicate, in this case down and to the...
Step 4 : Working With Transparency Create a custom box shape using ” Bezier Tool ” on the front side of the yellow box. We are going to make the custom box shape transparent by go to the ” Interactive Transparency Tool ” in the left toolbar, drag it from right top to the left ...
Compress Bitmap (BMP) Photo/Image using CorelDRAW If you would like to Export Bitmap (*.bmp) photo/image using CorelDRAW then after selectingBMP – Windows Bitmap (*.bmp, *.dib, *.rle)fromSave as typedrop-down list box, use following steps to get the optimized image. ...
T-shirt design software: 8 Top options & how to choose 1. Eight best t-shirt design software options2. Choosing t-shirt design software: Six top considerations3. Design, create, and sell beautiful custom t-shirts with Gelato4. T-shirt design software FAQs ...
Start by double-clicking theRectangle tool(F6), which will create a rectangle the size of your document. From here, click on theTransparency tool, and then use theTransparency pickeron the Property bar to view the different kinds of patterns. ...