transistors can operate either as an amplifier or a switch. If you’re using a transistor to amplify a signal, the transistor is said to be operating in the “active” or “linear” region.
A transistor is a three-terminal semiconductor devicethat can be used for switching applications, amplification of weak signals, and in quantities of thousands and millions of transistors are interconnected and embedded into a tiny integrated circuit/chip, which makes computer memories. A Transistor swi...
Latches function well and are used frequently in alarm circuits. If triggered once, the sirens will flash indefinitely or the buzzer will sound indefinitely until someone manually removed the power. In this circuit, we will use 2 transistors to form a latch. These are the BC547 transistor an...
You might have noticed street lights that automatically turn on at night and off during the day. Knowing how relays work, you can create a circuit capable of controlling these types of lights using just a photoresistor, two NPN transistors, and a relay: ...
How Does a Photonic Integrated Circuit Work and What Problem Does it Solve? PICs use a laser source to inject light that drives the components, similar to turning on a switch to inject electricity that drives electronic components. In essence, PICs use photons rather than electrons to process...
After the emergence of transistors, people can use a small, low-power electronic device to replace the bulky, power-consuming tube. The invention of the transistor blew the horn for the birth of integrated circuits. In the first 10 years of the 20th century, semiconductor materials have been ...
So, in this circuit, it's very simple, we demonstrate how to connect a power transformer so that we can have it operating in a circuit. Components Needed Power Transformer AC Voltage Source In this circuit, we will use a step-down transformer. ...
Connecting transistors in parallel is a process in which the identical pinouts of two or more transistors are connected together in a circuit in order to multiply the power handling capacity of the combined parallel transistor set. In this post I have explained how to safely connect multiple trans...
The transistor is a simple component that you can use to build a lot of fun projects. In this hands-on guide, you’ll learn how transistors work so that you can use them in your next circuit. And it’s actually pretty easy, once you learn the basics. I’ll focus on the two most...
This gave rise to the observations calledMoore's Law, which states that the number of transistors in a denseintegrated circuitdoubles approximately every two years. The observation is named after Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, who wrote a paper describing it in...