However, he stops way short of providing any real information a viewer could use to reproduce his projects. His show would have had a way larger following if he just released the eagle files for the circuits he came up with. Providing the Fusion and laser CNC files would ...
Step 1: Robot Body Design With Tinkercad I designed the body for this robot using Tinkercad, It took me a few trials and errors to finally come up with a fully working model. The model is very simple and I have designed taking into consideration the standard-sized components, For example...
I will use OLED screen to detect the level of alcohol and if the detected amount is high it will display as “High levels” and if everything is normal it will display “Low Levels” I wanted to make this as small as possible so the choice of board was Arduino nano, I know there a...
To practice satin stitch, first draw a simple shape on your fabric. Then use a backstitch to outline it. Then you'll simply go back and forth across the shape (I always like to start in the middle, but it's personal preference.) until it's filled in. Try it again using the other ...
a moment's notice. There is also a micro:bit simulator built into Tinkercad's functionality. What stands out about their effort is that you can attach circuits to your bit and write code to control it all in the simulator. Battery packs, motors, sensors and more are available to use. ...
If you want to use the potentiometer to help get the right values, I have attached a Tinkercad Image to help with the connections. The lines of code used when the potentiometer has been connected have been commented out of the code but the specific lines are as follow: ...
How to Build a GPS Guided Robot: Here is a Youtube video of me demonstrating the GPS Guided Robot. You can see that I am holding a cellphone and controlling the robot. I am at a tennis court and I am setting a Waypoint for the robot to return to. Once I
We may either use an experimental board or print one. In my case, I printed my own PCB (I have used Kicad for the design). Step 10: Anchor Electronic Components After we have the case done, we have to fit the components in it. In order to do this, we are going to use the ...
Tinkercad Projects » [Update: I changed the back panel to allow for more air flow.] One of history's greatest inventions is the television however, with each passing decade the television loses some of its original flare as people only seem to be focused on reducing its size and not pr...
Tinkercad Projects » Hi my name is Wehazit Kelati and i go to to school her in Greeley Colorado and i am currently a sophomore in high school. I did this project for my Introduction to technology, class and I decided to write an instructable and I will include the basic steps ...