an Arduino Weather Station needs timestamps in recording weather data. Another example is for an Arduino digital clock or calendar. Arduino-based clocks use the current time as a timer for reminders or to execute a scheduled command via the Arduino...
I like the MSP430, and i like to use CCS instead of Energia. It might take a lot of time, but Energia and the Arduino IDE for the Atmel MCs too hides what is really Happening in the MC itself. I want to understand what the things do. I am glad that you give me hints what othe...
Arduino is generating a modified sine waveform of 5V which is amplified to a level of 12V using L293D ic. Battery voltage is monitored every 20ms using timer interrupt. Step 2: MAKING POWER STAGE As the inverter output power is 600VA and it is 75% efficient so the input current at full...
Arduino prototyping can be daunting if you’re new to electronics or programming. It doesn’t have to be though and in this simple project we built a seven segment display countdown timer using anArduino UnoR3, aseven segment common cathode display, ourpowered breadboard, a220 ohm resistor, a...
Use the clock_gettime Function as Timer Benchmark in C Alternatively, we can utilize clock_gettime to achieve similar measuring goals. clock_gettime is a more recent and recommended method employed in newer codebases. It stores the time value in the struct timespec object and takes the pointe...
According to this page -
The Arduino for loop lets you repeat code:Save rewriting code with a for-loop. Avoid off by one errors - very easy to miss. Count up or down (and use the loop variable inside code). Find out where you can use for-loops. Access array data with a for-loop....
Using the digitalWrite function you can run the same code on different processors quite easily because you can select a pin to use e.g. put an LED on pin 5, and turn it on and off. In both the DUE and UNO versions (or another Arduino type board) you can use the same code to tur...
I am using the Arduino IDE I wish to set an arbitrary date and time In the ESP8266 code I can use a library function called setTime(). However this doesn't exist in the ESP32 version of the libraries. There is an example in the Expressif code that uses the Unix-y settimeofday(&tv...
Taming Arduino Strings -- How to Avoid Memory Issues: Update 9th July 2021 - Added link to fixed versions of Arduino Strings files. Normally not needed. Quick Start For small sketches with a few Strings, just use them as convenient. For small sketches wi