The number of pacs necessary depends on the load size. To guarantee superior performance, add two Tide PODS® pacs into the washing machine drum before you add clothes. Use one laundry pac for smaller loads or three for larger loads. Step 4 Place clothes into the washer on top of th...
Let us show you how much detergent to use for every load size with our simple Tide PODS Dosing guide. Step 5. Final Check Before you get started on washing, you’ll want to take a bit of extra time to ensure any garments that need special attention or stain treatment are taken care ...
3. Baking soda: This versatile product is handy to have around the home for a number of uses, but you can also add it to a load of whites in your washer to brighten them up. You can also use baking soda in a solution of water, soaking the soiled whites for about an hour before ...
For both top-load and front-load washers with separate dispensers, load the clothing in, then add liquid or powder detergent and fabric softener to the dispenser and start the machine. If you're using single-use detergent, like Tide Pods, place it in the machine before adding your clothing...
Our three simple tips using the Tide Sport Odor Defense Collection™ can help restore freshness to your laundry: Step 1 Place aTide Ultra Oxi Power Pods with Odor Eliminatorspac into your washer. Use two pacs if you have a large load and three if you’re dealing with an extra-large loa...
Prior to the invention of laundry detergents, Americans used soap flakes to wash clothes. However, in the 1930s, the first laundry detergent, Dreft by Procter & Gamble, hit the market. Later, in 1943, Procter & Gamble produced Tide, which could get out tougher stains due to the use of ...
How do you use them? When you first get your laundry balls, you’ll want to soak them in water for 30 minutes. After that, you can simply toss them into the washing machine (on top of the clothing) before you turn it on… that’s it! It’s best not to cram your washer tota...
into the tissues that we eat. The issue here really comes weirdly to laundry. Two-thirds of clothing now is made out of plastic. So nylon polyester, when you wash that, a bunch of those fibers break off into the wash sometimes by some calculations, a million or so fibers per load. ...
They're certainly neater to use, but do Tide Pods work? Heck yes. And the convenience won't cost much more than comparable liquids. Plump your pillows and refresh your bedding as they dry by throwing these guys in with the load. A GH Seal holder, Honest Laundry Detergent is made with...
Now that Easter has gone and passed, we're faced with dealing with the aftermath of the candy overload that remains. How's the candy situation at your house? I love all the holidays that we get to celebrate, and I enjoy them to their fullest, but there is so much candy in my house...