You can easily convert the basic trigonometric functions into angles measured in degrees or radians using a TI-84 Plus calculator. The TI-84 Plus is capable of going in both directions — from the angle to the trigonometric measure and back. This guide will use degrees instead of radians for...
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the equation of projectile motion is a second-degree polynomial. Use a TI-84 graphing calculator to draw parabolas quickly and accurately. With a TI-84 calculator, you do not have to convert the equation of the parabola from standard form to vertex form, or vice versa, in order to plot ...
on a scale from -1 to 1. A higher coefficient rating means the two variables have a stronger relationship, with the value of one indicating that the variables grow at a one-to-one rate. Use the TI-84 graphing calculator to calculate the linear correlation coefficient of two lists of data...
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If you have a TI-84 calculator, use "Z-Interval" (found by hitting the "stats" button, then "TESTS", then scroll to "ZInterval" On "Inpt:" select "Stats" Then enter the standard deviation and the mean and the number of sample. For "C-level" type 0.95 Then hit "Calcul...
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