Well, today I hope to put all of those misconceptions to rest. Even though the semicolon may look intimidating at first, it can really be quite helpful when you know how to use it. Here are some tips to follow when learning how to properly use a semicolon! When To Use a Semicolon ...
How to use a semicolon properlyMaría Soledad González RomeroRob Ludacer
Of course, the trick is knowing when to use a semicolon and when to use a colon. It isn’t always easy to tell which one is more appropriate than the other, especially since they look so similar. Let’s take a look at the major differences between the two to help you make ...
It may seem like the semicolon is struggling with an identity crisis. It looks like a comma crossed with a period. Maybe that’s why we toss these punctuation marks around like grammatical confetti; we’re confused about how to use them properly. Emma Bryce clarifies best practices for the...
1Place a comma before the coordinating conjunction. 2If you’re not using a coordinating conjunction, place a semicolon between the clauses. As always, you use a lowercase letter to start the second independent clause. Since compound sentences are a single sentence, only the first letter of ...
Notice how the delimiting characters change, the semicolon is converted to a comma. You may see other characters, they are based on your regional settings.Step 2 - Compare dates to end date rangesThe less than and equal sign combined lets you compare dates in B3:B10 to H3:H5, the ...
If you want to combine two independent clauses into one sentence, you can also use asemicolon. In this case, you don’t actually need a conjunctive adverb. Technically they are optional . . . The weather app said it would rain today; no clouds are in the sky. ...
Emily looked forward to coloring at her grandmother's house this afternoon (although she didn't want to use crayons. Did her grandmother have markers? She wasn't sure). Note in the second example that there is no period within the parentheses after “She wasn't sure.” If the final sent...
theem dash. anem dashcan replace commas, parentheses, and colons. when acommaor colon isn’t enough, or you want to avoid using parentheses, theem dashmay be thepunctuation markfor you. thisversatile symbolhelps adding structure, clarity, and even personality to otherwise complex sentences. ...
You will also learn how to use them properly. If you do not have the time to read hundreds of articles this multipurpose handbook may be useful. I created it in the hope that it will be useful especially for System Administrators and WebOps. I think it can also be a good complement ...