If you tested to see if 9.75 divided by 0 was an error, the ISERROR function would also return TRUE because this formula would return the #DIV/0! error. More Worksheet Examples Here are more examples that show how to use the ISERROR function as a worksheet function in Excel: Test for E...
Introduction to ROUND Function Function Objective The ROUND function is a powerful tool for rounding numbers based on a specified number of digits. Whether you need to round up or round down, this function has you covered. Syntax The syntax for the ROUND function is as follows: =ROUND (number...
Question:In Microsoft Excel, I'm trying to use the If function to return 0 if cell A1 is either < 150,000 or > 250,000. Otherwise, it should return A1. Answer:You can use the OR function to perform an OR condition in theIf functionas follows: =IF(OR(A1<150000,A1>250000),0,...
The ROUNDUP function rounds up to the given decimal if num_digit is larger than 0 (zero). up to the nearest integer if num_digit is 0 (zero). up the number to the left of the decimal point if num_digit is less than 0 (zero). 3. Example 1 The ROUNDUP function takes two argument...
The syntax of the IF function is: IF(logical_test,[value_if_true],[value_if_false]) The first argument, logical_test, is required. Of the other two arguments, at least one is required. When nested with ISERROR, the value_if_false argument of the IF function can be used to return ...
PressEnterto get the merged values. Use theFill handlefeature to copy the same formula down toB16. Apply VLOOKUP In cellH6(or any other cell where you want the result), use theVLOOKUPfunction to find the price for the productKnifewithID M-04. The formula should look like this: ...
CHOOSE Function Notes The index number must lie between 1 and the number of choices (up to a maximum of 29). If the index number is negative, 0, or greater than the number of choices, a#NUM! erroris returned. When To Use The CHOOSE Function ...
Back to top 3. Example The image above demonstrates the INT function, the arguments are in cells B3:B10 and the results are in cells D3:D10. Formula in cell D3: =INT(B3) Cell B3 contains 1.9 and the INT function removes the decimal part. Cell B4 contains numerical value 2 and the...
TheRegistercallbackfeature allows you to register a custom callback for interruptions from a specific peripheral. This means you can use a custom function as the callback for any desired peripheral interrupt source in your project. In this demonstration, we use the STLINK VCOM Port connected to...
Considering the second example of the employee rating we just discussed above, you can use the SWITCH function inside the IF function to test if the value in the cell is greater than 3. If it is, the formula will return Out of Range. ...