Sample video files. I recorded them usingMinecraft Replay Modand trimmed them down using Quicktime. mob_head_farm_5s.mp4 mob_head_farm_10s.mp4 mob_head_farm_20s.mp4 How it works There are four steps to re-encode a video: Extracting samples from the mp4 file format (demuxing), done with...
Minecraft Replay Mod An MCPR file is aZip-compresseddata file created by Minecraft Replay Mod. It contains recorded game data used to play a replay in Minecraft Replay Mod. MCPR files are not videos, but you can use them to create and export Minecraft replay videos in Minecraft Replay Mod....
A large subsection of the "Minecraft" fanbase has spent a great deal of time trying to figure out how various elements of the franchise tie together. While most "Minecraft" players are happy to accept the weird world at face value, others are certain there's more to it than meets the ey...
Don’t be fooled — there is a way to sell items inDave the Diver, despite how unclear it might be in the game itself. Knowing what to sell and, more importantly, how will fill your pockets with gold you can use to further upgrade yourgear and weapons. Here’s how to sell your it...
One tipthat applies to real life andMinecraftis that everyone needs to sleep --even villagers. However, you can’t simply create acool houseand sleep on the floor. That’s bad for your virtual back, for starters. Instead, we will show you how to make a bed in so you can quickly pas...
[Guide] DayZ How To Make a Splint So, you’ve decided to break your legs by jumping off a building - there could be many reasons. You don’t believe in gravity, you were too lazy to use the staircase, perhaps someone was chasing you with a hatchet or you’re suffering from a sever...
However, I do have misgivings about taking a mod project and turning it commercial. I feel that authors, and I am not specifically thinking of Dan Pinchbeck (Dear Esther creator), who use the community to build up a following and then force them to pay for the mod are sort of cutting ...
Minecraftexclusives. There's noMinecraftmob more iconic than the tall, grimacing creatures that track down unsuspecting explorers, follow until they're just a little too close, and then blow themselves to bits kamikaze-style. There's a reason why the Creeper's face is part of theMinecraft...