is made of wool or cashmere, is 60-75 inches in length, and has two ends; infinity scarves don’t have the same versatility. Then, you’ll wrap it around your neck with your preferred style and (often) tuck the loose ends under your lapels to ensure a clean look. ...
BWM Infinity // Shutterstock 1947: Wheat Thins Nabisco added Wheat Thins to its cracker portfolio in 1947. The crackers—which the company prefers to call a "snack"—gained popularity during 1970s with iconic commercials featuring TV star Sandy Duncan. 1948: The Polaroid camera Express/Express /...
Kenner's vice president of research and development, James "Jeep" Kuhn, had the idea to use boiled-down corn syrup inside a latex mold. When Stretch Armstrong was placed on shelves in time for Christmas 1976, it quickly became a signifier of the time, like G.I. Joe. 1977: Cookie ...
It can be tough to quilt large quilts when your machine doesn't have a very big harp space - that's the space between the needle and the motor on the machine. Yes, I have taught a class onquilting a king on your home machine, but even I have to admit quilting a massive quilt in...
Use Homemade Advent Calendars Advent calendars used to be simple. However, now they’ve become as commercialized as every other part of Christmas. Try to avoid the pull to buy a fancy advent calendar and stick to a traditional, reusable one. You can put random items in there to make it ...
I happen to enjoy sitting in a slouch like my body is slowly melting off the chair on its way down into a heaping pile on the ground. It's OK if that doesn't sound comfortable to you since I apparently don't know how to properly use an Adirondack chair. How To Correctly Use An ...
Use a Delivery Service for Nearly Everything These days, you can get nearly everything delivered to your home,from groceriesandalcoholto your laundry andeven toys and games. When you need to stay at home, it's time consider putting more of these handy services to use....
The holidays are here, and we want you to experience the magic of the season with the one and only Trans-Siberian Orchestra. You and a guest could fly to the Twin Cities to experience TSO in concert like VIPs, and we're not stopping there! You could also win over $1,000 to spend ...
Do you want to sit? “Good girl.” Here’s a treat. Imagine that same scenario over and over again times infinity. Gets a bit dull and predictable doesn’t it?I wouldn’t work 8 hours a day for kibble, but I’d be willing to jump through a hula hoop for a slice of coffee ...
Hello! i know this was posted along time ago and was curious if its still possible to purchase a scarf like this one?? please email me and let me know Thanks! Reply Maggie August 16, 2013 at 6:40 am Hello! Yes, you can find me on Etsy. Use the code...