This article describes how to use the IEEEtran class with LATEX to produce high quality typeset papers that are suitable for submission to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEEtran can produce conference, journal and technical note (correspondence) papers with a suitable...
ieeetrantexdoclatexuseonlinedraftcls JOURNALOFLATEXCLASSFILES,VOL.13,NO.9,SEPTEMBER20141HowtoUsetheIEEEtranLATEXClassMichaelShell,Member,IEEE(InvitedPaper)Abstract—ThisarticledescribeshowtousetheIEEEtranclasswithLATEXtoproducehighqualitytypesetpapersthataresuit-ableforsubmissiontotheInstituteofElectricalandElectroni...
1, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 20021How to Use the IEEEtran LATEX ClassMichael Shell, Member, IEEE(Invited Paper)Abstract—This article describes how to use the IEEEtranclass with LATEX to produce high quality typeset papers thatare suitable for submission to the Institute of Electrical andElectronics ...
From the documentation ofIEEEtran.clswe see that: I included the command\IEEEpubidadjcolinto the second column. This prevents the overflow in the second column as you can see in my previous image, but lets the first column run freely. I tried including\IEEEpubidadjcolinto the first c...
1 IEEEtran class: How can I center the title using the two columns option? 17 How to use the algorithm2e package with IEEEtran class? 1 How to use footnotes in a bytefield? 3 Using bytefield in standalone class cuts the field numbers 0 How to use the algorithmic packa...
I found this question explaining how to use algorithm2e package with IEEEtran class. However I would like to be able also to use the algorithmic package.For the following code:\begin{figure}[!t] \removelatexerror \begin{algorithm}[H] \begin{algorithmic} \For( \emph{Evolutionary loop}){$...
The Function for the date in the IEEETran file looks like that: FUNCTION {} { month "month" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ { swap$ 'skip$ { this.status.std cap.status.std "there's a month ...
In "How to Use the IEEEtran LaTeX Class," Michael Shell explains: IEEEtran provides the command \IEEEaftertitletext{} which can be used to insert text or to alter the spacing between the title area and the main text: \IEEEaftertitletext{\vspace{-1\baselineskip}} † As best I can te...
the latest IEEE conference template fromIEEE website. However, only when I tried to compile the ...
Notice that it extend across the two columns and between the header "Top 10 journals - PM-SSCM" and the header "Top 10 journals - DST-SSCM" there is a break that I am also trying to achieve. Below the script I have so far: \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtr...