The Excel HLOOKUP function searches horizontally in the top row, returning values from a specified row in the same column.
This Excel tutorial explains how to use the LOOKUP function with syntax and examples. Excel LOOKUP function Description The Microsoft Excel LOOKUP
1. Open the document in WPS Office. Click on the cell where you want to return the value. Click the shortcutInsert Functionbutton, enter VLOOKUP in the pop-up dialog, and clickOK. 2. In the pop-up dialog, enter B9 atLookup_value, Sheet2!A2:B7 atTable_array,...
1. Type the Start of the LOOKUP Function Type an equal sign and the start of the LOOKUP function in the formula bar: =LOOKUP() 2. Add the lookup_value to the Formula In the parentheses, type the lookup_value. This value is the number, name, text, or logical value that Excel will ...
In VlookupVstands forvertical. It is typed=VLOOKUPand has the following parts: Note:The column which holds the data used to lookup must always be to the left. Note:The different parts of the function are separated by a symbol, like comma,or semicolon;. ...
Check our free add-in to use the new lookup function with the recent Excel versions.This small utility provides the latest lookup function for all Microsoft Excel versions. Alternatively, you can replace the function in the case of the xlfn prefix. ...
Excel is one of the most used software programs for both for business and household purposes Thanks to the fairly intuitive spreadsheets, Excel can be used to document all sorts of information in a concise and accurate manner. Vlookup, which stands for vertical lookup, is a helpful function ...
The Excel INDEX function retrieves values at a specific row and column in a range, key for dynamic data lookups and retrieval.
How to use the LOOKUP Function in Excel? As a worksheet function, the LOOKUP Function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet. To understand the uses of this function, let us consider a few examples: Example 1 ...
While there are newer methods like VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP, the LOOKUP function is still useful for certain tasks, especially when you need an approximate match. How to use the LOOKUP Function in Excel The LOOKUP function helps you find a value in one column (or row) and return a value from...