Facial recognition takes its initial step, as slabs of obsidian are polished to form the first mirrors. All right, all right, skipping ahead a bit… 1962–1964 Woodrow W. Bledsoeleads a team to determine if computers can recognize a human face. To do so, he teaches a computer to identify...
I use my tablet and kindle for reading, and the tablet for web/maps/apps too, but when I’m doing research I take notes on scratch paper or I do all the work on a real computer. When I’m reading I am doing it TO READ, not for research. When I’m researching I’m either han...
nnl3256 Obsidian | Level 7 Re: how to set number of rows on a ods excel page Posted 02-25-2019 10:23 AM (2089 views) | In reply to SuzanneDorinski Thank you for testing. I find out that the problem appears randomly by using the same code on different dataset. ...
-The Bellerophon- Obsidian 550D-i5-3570k@4.5Ghz -Asus Sabertooth Z77-16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866Mhz-x2 EVGA GTX 760 Dual FTW 4GB-Creative Sound Blaster XF-i Titanium-OCZ Vertex Plus 120GB-Seagate Barracuda 2TB-https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/60154-the-not-really-a-build-log-...
To get around this "problem," I use the concept of Relative Damage. I suspect others do as well. But, for those who don't, let me explain. Let's continue with the notion that a Long Sword does 1d10 damage. And let's assume that we've got a 1st level Dwarf being attacked. Let...
Since pretty much all Eclipse Color Theme users are developers, and since it supports many more editors than a single person could possibly want to use, the project has always been driven byour fantastic contributors. Please consider contributing if you're missing support for an editor, get anno...
proc template;delete Styles.MyStyle ;run; 0 Likes 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION lopezr Obsidian | Level 7 Re: How to center the text with ods pdf file? Posted 02-20-2017 11:00 AM (14306 views) | In reply to zhangda Instead of width use the FONT_SIZE option to change the size....
run;ods text="My Text 3";ods pdf close; title;footnote;proc template;delete Styles.MyStyle ;run;0 Likes 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION lopezr Obsidian | Level 7 Re: How to center the text with ods pdf file? Posted 02-20-2017 11:00 AM (14017 views) | In reply to zhangda Ins...
How to deal with locked files on UNIX 0 Likes Jianmin Obsidian | Level 7 Re: how many lines does one rtf listing page have? inch vs mm unit conversion? consider carriage ret Posted 07-15-2020 06:47 PM (10834 views) | In reply to Kurt_Bremser Hi @bluesky...
How to deal with locked files on UNIX 0 Likes Jianmin Obsidian | Level 7 Re: how many lines does one rtf listing page have? inch vs mm unit conversion? consider carriage ret Posted 07-15-2020 06:47 PM (9107 views) | In reply to Kurt_Bremser Hi @bluesky...